Standard Response Protocol

In 2018, the Crowley County School District adopted the SRP and its emergency management protocols for lockout, lockdown, evacuation, shelter, hold and parent reunification. Staff, students and parents will participate in these drills to know how to respond during an emergency situation. It provides a uniform classroom response to any incident. Weather events, fires, accidents, intruders and other threats to student safety are scenarios that are planned and trained for by school and district administration and staff.
This web page will contain the district’s training manuals for PK-2 and the training guides for K-12. These manuals are a great reference for parents and community members. Additionally, we will have information about emergency events to share with the community. Please visit the website for more information about Standard Response Protocol.
Standard Response Protocol Curriculum Workbook PK-2
Standard Response Protocol Operation Guidelines K-12
Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Handout
Standard Reunification Method (SRM) handout
I Love U Guys Website