Now Accepting Bids

Crowley County School District Re. 1-J will be taking sealed bids until 3:00 PM on September
30, 2022, for the following two items: 

  • 2002 Mercury Sable (211,023 Miles)
  • 1999 Chevy Suburban (263,360 Miles) 

Items are available for inspection at Crowley County School District's Administration Office, located at 1001 Main Street, Ordway, CO.

The CCSD Board of Education will open sealed bids at the public board meeting on October 4, 2022, which starts at 7:00 PM.

All bids should be mailed or delivered to:
Crowley County School District Re. 1-J
Attention: Transportation Office
1001 Main Street
Ordway, CO 81063

The CCSD Board of Education has the right to reject any and/or all bids.